Sunday, March 17, 2019

Week 5 Lumion Screenshots

For my hero shot, I wanted to capture the imposing nature of the structure as a whole but also how open and exposed much of the workshops and gallery is. As can be seen in the first render, visitors can see straight through the building. This was intended to provide a natural backdrop to the display pieces that rise and lower from their respective workshops.

In my detail shot, I wanted to highlight the central elevator, as well as one of the key aspects of the design, the unique staircase down from the first floor. Both act as centerpieces for the gallery space and structure respectively.

Week 4 Screenshots and Animations

Screenshots of Finished Model


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Week 3 Textures

Here's an extract from a skate video which I feel sums up the culture of Off-White.
The brand is rooted in Skate Culture and its rebellion against authority. In this video, a skateboarder is attempting a daring stunt and a security guard attempts to stop the group from proceeding. As you can see, neither the skater nor the cameraman care to follow the rules in this situation.
This video, and the values it portrays, exemplify the brand values of Off-White and my word for this project, "Subversive"

Sketchup Screenshots

Friday, March 1, 2019

Stair Models - Week 2

My stairs going up from the basement to the ground floor pass through the outside area to continue the theme of "Open" with Auto Fabric. The staircase allows anyone to see into the workshop while a glass lift (not yet modelled) reveals the work to visitors. For Off White, the staircase breaks the simple form of the building, collapsing the corner of the building on which it sits. It comes to represent Off-White's subversive nature, going against the norms of their surroundings

Off White - "Subversive"

Auto Fabrica - "Open"

Unused Sections